Thursday, February 10, 2011

Construction: July 2008 - continuing.....

We started with an existing hull to save time.

Built a boat shed over it

Boat shed in Wyoming winter
Grind off old paint

Insulated with 2" of foam

Fiberglass and epoxy marine plywood - 1/4"sides and 1/2"bottom;
We used our back deck to do the work

Decided to add big windows and tape seams while it was still in our back yard
At our friend's garage, we were able to life the boat off the trailer to complete the bottom and
 grind  the bilge boards. The bottom is painted with copper paint to reduce fouling.


Left Buffalo, Wyoming October 7, 2009 between blizzards.
 Beautiful, but too cold for sailors!

 40mph for almost 2,000 miles!

Construction continued in Bainbridge, Georgia.

Pic showing how the main mast goes down through the tabernacle 

It floats!


  1. Why 2000 miles at only 40MPH. Could your tow truck only manage that much? Was it unsafe to tow at a higher speed? Just wondering?
    I have the AS29 and AS39 plans, and I often think of building her!

  2. The driver (me) wasn't comfortable going faster. The biggest thing we had towed before was a 22' sloop.
